Your Complete Maternal Mental Health Solution

Mammha is a HIPAA-compliant mobile and web-based software and platform that provides seamless, streamlined, in-office/in-hospital and remote maternal mental health screening, psychoeducation, and referral delivery, along with brief care coordination for at-risk patients. Mammha uses validated screening tools that assesses for anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Mammha, using evidence-based approaches, has filled gaps in screening and increased follow-up rates for postpartum depression and anxiety. 

Winner of the Johnson & Johnson Quickfire Challenge and HITLab’s Women Technology Health Challenge, Mammha is currently being used in #1 NICU in the country, Children’s National Hospital in Washington DC, as well as in obstetric practices in Florida and pediatric practices in Los Angeles. Soon to launch a partnership with the March of Dimes to screen NICU mothers and fathers in Virginia and Maryland, Mammha is becoming the go-to solution for physicians and hospital systems to address maternal mental health care.

Women who screen positive with Mammha get 100% specialized follow-up care.


Seamless Screening

Patients initiate screens on their phones. Enhanced screen results return back to care teams. If a patient screens positive, they are instantly connected with a Mammha Care Coordinator who will connect them with low to no-cost resources and provide them with ongoing support, check-ins, and care until they feel better.


Women screened by Mammha are 5 times more likely to engage in care.

Instant Care

Mammha Care Coordinators connect women with appropriate resources, facilitate their access to care, and provide supportive, counseling and check-ins until they feel better. Care Coordination lasts an average of 2-4 months and is designed to continue based on the patient's needs.

On average, women screened with Mammha report feeling better in 7 days.


Customizable Prevention & Intervention SMS

Mammha provides unique SMS-based prevention and intervention track of streamlined text messages sent to women who both screen below the cutoff on the depression screening scale and a different set sent to women who screen positive. Messages are based in cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness techniques that teach and enhance coping skills and are proven to help prevent and mitigate perinatal mental health complications. women who screen positive. Messages can be customized to promote hospital and health system resources and offerings. To date, no patient has opted out.


Automatic Rescreens

Mammha is adding automatic re-screens, where hospitals and physicians can identify rescreen intervals to make sure if symptoms develop later on, patients can get the support they need.

Try Mammha Today!